Pals forever.

Created by Bob 6 years ago
Allie and I met as Boy Scouts where we shared many adventures on long hikes, camping trips and various other activities.  We came from similar backgrounds, not having much but not missing much either.  Allie was made for the Scouts, in addition to a sense of adventure he had focus, organizational skills and confidence beyond his tender years which drew me in.  With Allie I had so much fun and when I think of him I mostly think of the times when we laughed till we were breathless, often about some running gag in MAD magazine, or something we just mutually found ridiculous. You only get that kind of free, careless laughter when you're young and in the company of your best pal.  Fond memories of Everton Scout Camp, campfires and fun, and the 54th Renfrewshire Boy Scouts.  The picture was taken when Al, Di and Rob came to Greenock to visit around 1994(?).    
